Preschool - Full Day and Half-Day
The preschool curriculum is designed to help facilitate in children a love of learning within a Christian and distinctly Reformed environment. It aims to support Christian home life as well as prepare students for Kindergarten.
The preschool class meets in Suite C, which is part of our current building. There is a delightful room with castle doors that lend itself to igniting children's imaginations. Inside, there are stations like a kitchen and water table, and a book nook where children can "play" while they are growing their fine and gross motor skills as well as under girding academic learning.
Preschool meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays following the same school calendar as the grade school. School will be all day with the option to go home at lunchtime if a family so chooses. The instructional portion of the day will be in the morning. The afternoon will begin with a naptime and then have some guided play at the end.
For more information on Preschool, feel free to contact