7th - 8th Grade
Logic Stage
The logic phase emphasizes this imaginative and exciting form of reading, writing, and understanding. Learning is optimal when it is inspired and intrinsically motivated. In 5th and 6th grades, we encourage students to stretch beyond facts to gain a greater understanding on their own. In 7th and 8th grades, students learn formal logic, logical fallacies, and reasoning skills through tools like the Socratic method and Aristotelian logic. One way we do this is through reading and literature; we use appropriate thematic truths in a story or work that contains important, higher meaning, which encourages students to discover the power of story. When done properly, this enables children to be better prepared for the logic phase.
As Christians, we are people of the Word. God reveals His truth to us through the Bible. It contains history, stories, poems, songs, prophetic writing, parables, unique story-telling formats (ie. synoptic and non-synoptic Gospels), theology epistles, and even specialized forms of writing such as apocalyptic literature. To understand the Bible, students need more than a simple understanding of language. True literacy involves knowing how to read these forms to obtain their intended meaning. We call this learning transcendent or poetic truth—truth that transcends the world around us.
Whereas in the grammar stage children are saturated in truth, logic students begin to examine beliefs of the world.
Providence Set-Up​
7th & 8th combined homeroom
Classes Taught:
Theology, Literature, Logic, Grammar, History, Math, Science, Latin, Art, Music, PE